No rain, no rainbows

So we’ve been having a pretty rough week here at Ben Lau Photography, hence the lack of posts. Combine that with 6 consecutive hours of driving across 3.5 state lines with the whole family in tow, merely getting through the day would’ve been a small, but hard-fought victory. As I sat across the table from my prospective new clients last night (yes, I totally topped off my evening with scheduled client meetings), I had to preemptively apologize for not being my usual cheery self; the same guy who’s been fabled to perform the gangnam dance at every wedding he attends. As a conciliatory gesture, the groom-to-be explained that sometimes in life, when it rain, it pours.

And because my mouth sometimes has a mind of its own, I replied: “No rain, no rainbows!”

Our future groom-to-be nodded silently in agreement.

As I continued with the remainder of my presentation, I wondered if I actually believed the words I just uttered moments ago. I must have, since it came out so spontaneously from the dungeons where I apparently hid all my suppressed emotions and desires (yummilicious carbs, anyone?). There’s no doubt that Karis and I have seen our share of struggles these past few years, and I’m also relieved to say that we’re finally able to bear some modest fruit from all our labor. So the short answer is yes, I believed every single word of it :).

I was reminded that a series of unfortunate events don’t always have to make a turn for the worse. We all have our struggles in life, big or small, but we should always remind ourselves that they’ll always be temporary. For what its worth, I do believe that all the hardships we experience in life do indeed make those victories taste that much sweeter.

This week, in no particular order, I’m thankful for:

  • Becoming an Uncle for the 2nd time! Many congrats to my brother Benson and his wife Korrina on their beautiful daughter Anessa! (photos to come soon!)
  • Not one, but TWO new weddings booked this week!
  • The chance to finally get started on these Aruba wedding photos :).

So much to be thankful for, and blessed just the same. Happy Friday everyone. Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend :).

Ben & Karis

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Northern NJ, NYC documentary Wedding Photographer, Educator & All-Around Nice Guy

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