I love traveling, almost as much as I love photography. Despite all the stamps I’ve accumulated in my passport, I’ve always had this lingering fear that I won’t make it past customs one of these days. There’s a myth that suggests the benefits of following Asian people during the security screen, mostly because we generally check all our luggage and we possess this strange affinity for slip-on shoes. Not this Asian guy – when the conveyor belt stops during the security screening, they’re looking at all that metal and glassware jammed into my bags (it never leaves my sight). Plus, it takes the strength of two elephants to remove just one of Karis’ boots. We totally fail as Asian travelers.
Most recently, I traveled to Anguilla for Lauren and Justin’s wedding, whose rehearsal dinner we recently showcased (fish tacos, yum!). Needless to say, I got there in one peace without much incident :).
The last one’s not my sharpest captures of the night, but certainly one of my favorites :).
With all of these sneak peeks, I promise you there’s a deluge of full posts coming your way. You’ve been warned, my friends! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and wish us luck on our adventures in Montreal this weekend! Can’t wait!