Sometimes, there are weddings we were just meant to capture. Despite finding me during the early stages of their wedding planning, Magi and Sam took the scenic route into my calendar. And just like “that”, everything just fell into place like magic. They snatched up one of the last available dates I had on my Spring calendar and the rest was simply history. After our engagement session adventure in Jersey City shortly thereafter, we were practically an old married couple when their wedding day finally rolled around. By then, we understood each other’s quirks and personalities (and by quirks and personalities, I meant mine, because I have many…of both), and it was this connection between photographer and subject which made for some awesome-tastic images.
Aaaaand, there’s more where that came from, folks!
Stay tuned for more :).
In other news, I’ve got three non-shooting days this week, which is the most office days I’ve had since April. As if shooting marathons weren’t hard enough, try doing it in 105 degree heat! On that note, I will be happily working in the comfort of air conditioning these next three days…in gym shorts and a muscle shirt! Yah, who’s going to stop me!?
Happy Monday ya’ll,