Ben Lau Photography | Behind the Scenes

All work and no play make Jack (as well as Ben & Karis for that matter!) a dull boy. This year was a fantastically fun year for us, and we wouldn’t trade a moment of it for anything in the world. Here’s a peek into our lives behind the lens this year.

But the real reason why I wanted to write this post is because we have some very important people we needed to thank. Due to the arrival of our second bundle of joy, we needed to call in the help of some very special folks to help us hold down the fort while Karis was away on maternity leave. We absolutely couldn’t have done it without their talent, hard work and devotion to their craft.

So without further ado, we need to thank:

Amanda, for your quirky humor and uncanny crowd-working abilities. Susan, for your flexibility, intuition and constant professionalism.

Benson, for your tireless work ethic and perfectionist attitude in everything that you do.
(And also doing cartwheels on command, afterall…that’s what little brothers are for!)

MJ, for your ambition, laughing at all my (sometimes unfunny) jokes, being our slave, and for your constant hard work in always improving your craft.

Our honorable mentions include: Sheena, Vince and Jenny for helping us out last minute on so many occasions throughout the year.

We’re so incredibly proud and honored to have such a great team and circle of colleagues we could count on when we needed them the most. This year wouldn’t have been possible without their help, so  they all rightly deserve a round of applause!

*clap clap*

This concludes our blogging for 2012!

Hope you guys have a FANTASTIC New Year. We have so much awesomeness to share with you guys in 2013, and we simply can’t wait.

See you guys on the flip side :).

Ben & Karis

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Northern NJ, NYC documentary Wedding Photographer, Educator & All-Around Nice Guy

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