The weekend is finally here, which is actually the start of our work-week. While we’re generally productive throughout the year, we recently super-charged our workflow these past two weeks and the results have been nothing short of phenomenal. We’ve automated a ton of our workflow, and what used to take 2 days now takes all of 2 hours. Clients now get their images as soon as we’re done with them, and we’re no longer subject to the whims of the post office. “Nuclear explosion of happiness” doesn’t even begin to describe how incredibly liberating all of this feels. As many of you may know, I never received any formal/academic training in photography; much of what I learned was through years of trial & error and a healthy dose of gracious/appreciative clients. While many of our clients appreciate this sort of independence, free-thinking and nuanced approach to our work, I felt like I had learned all I could possibly learn (on my own, anyway). So it was about time to leave my legendary ego at the door, and finally see what else was out there.
So with all this newfound knowledge, I’ll likely start out like this tomorrow morning as I head over to bridal prep.
And as it’s usually the case, I’ll probably wrap up the evening feeling like this.
But I can promise you, I’m going to love every minute of it :).
Happy Friday ya’ll!