[Engagement] Melissa & Gerard – Hoboken, NJ

Melissa comes from a long line of brides (and bridesmaid, most notably her sister) who’ve bestowed upon us the honor of photographing them. Goes to show, word-of-mouth is still king in this digital age, and that we’re still doing something right :). As you may have heard, Hoboken experienced a bit of a tragedy recently. To add insult to injury, this engagement session also took place while we had some crazy person on the loose as well. But nevertheless, with some light walking and elbow grease, we managed to squeeze out this wonderful Hoboken engagement session with Melissa & Gerard.

Hoboken engagement session with NJ wedding photographer Ben Lau.Hoboken engagement session with NJ wedding photographer Ben Lau.Hoboken engagement session with NJ wedding photographer Ben Lau.Hoboken engagement session with NJ wedding photographer Ben Lau.

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Northern NJ, NYC documentary Wedding Photographer, Educator & All-Around Nice Guy

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