All You Need Is Love…And Bucket Of Sparklers

Many people have asked if I had any fears opening up my own photography business back in 2010, armed with nothing more than a handful of photos, a consumer-grade camera and only three weddings booked for the very foreseeable future. It was certainly a leap of faith, albeit one riddled with all sorts of uncertainty and promise. Despite my underwhelming assortment of raw materials when I first started this business, I knew I would at the very least stay busy if my clients saw value in my final product; and this was a personal/work philosophy of mine which still holds true till this day. I never had to be exceptional in the eyes of the world, as long as I was exceptional in the eyes of my clients. So my answer has always been a resounding no. I was never afraid that I wasn’t good enough, only that I wasn’t better than who I was yesterday.

Sparkler Wedding Photo On The Beach. Captured by NYC wedding photographer Ben Lau.

As long as I came from a place filled with love, passion (and a bucket of elbow grease), what did I have to fear?

Happy Monday everyone :).

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Northern NJ, NYC documentary Wedding Photographer, Educator & All-Around Nice Guy

#benlauphoto #momentsovermountains #loveislove

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