ReSTARting Our Brand: Now With 30% More Awesomeness!

One of my biggest fears in this photography business is the prospect of stagnating not only as an artist, but also as an entrepreneur. I’m practically convinced that once these roaring fires of creativity and ambition die inside of me, my business will almost certainly die along with them. While there are many resources available out there for all kinds of photographers in different stages of their craft and careers (in the form of workshops, blogs, conferences, etc), I’ve mostly been striking a balance between learning and actually doing these past few years. After all, I’m almost certain that nobody learns how to ride a bike simply by reading about it.

But at this point in my career, I know I can do/be better.

Enter: Jasmine Star, a wedding photographer I’ve been following long before my expensive hobby even thought of becoming a career :). Her candor and sincerity when she writes about her personal experiences is inspirational, because we learned that we’re not alone in our struggles with running a profitable wedding photography business. She recently hosted 3 workshops/classes over a 3 month period, and I was fortunate enough to catch the final class yesterday via creativeLIVE. If there’s one thing I can take away from a half-day filled with oodles of information, it’s that I need to refresh (ahem) restart my brand in a way that reflects my dreams and aspirations, instead of it simply being a modest repository of all my previous work and sometimes-questionable sense of humor :).

Butterfly climbs up tree at the Butterfly Museum in Teaneck, NJ.

So we’re ready for this transformation, much to Karis’ chagrin. But truthfully, I believe she secretly enjoys being pulled chauffeured along for all the rides anyway :).

Happy Thursday ya’ll,


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Northern NJ, NYC documentary Wedding Photographer, Educator & All-Around Nice Guy

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