Engagement sessions, not-quite-rain, and working on Mother’s Day

By the time you read this, we will be on our road trip back home to NJ after a week-long shooting marathon from my old stomping grounds of Maryland, DC and Virginia. It was a week of many new adventures in many new places, with friends both old and new. It’s one of the most favorite parts of our job, and one that we treasure the most: we have the ability to document one of the most awesome milestones in their lives not only as their photographers, but also as their friends.

We have about a half dozen sessions to pre-process when we get back into the office, starting with Michelle & Bryan and their engagement session in Baltimore :).

Michelle and Bryan embrace on a dock with the Key Bridge in the background during their Baltimore engagement session with Ben Lau Photography.Michelle and Bryan ride their Harley Davidson during their Baltimore engagement session with Ben Lau Photography.

We hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day! For me, I’ve got some belated Mother’s Day celebrations to plan :).

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Northern NJ, NYC documentary Wedding Photographer, Educator & All-Around Nice Guy

#benlauphoto #momentsovermountains #loveislove

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