It’s no secret that over the years, I’ve always accommodated my clients as best I could. Even if it meant some mild inconveniences here and there, I did it for the love of my work and my clients. It wasn’t all that long ago when I used to endure 8 hours of roundtrip bus rides between NYC and Baltimore every weekend, simply because I believed my work and clients deserved all the effort I could possibly muster after 6 consecutive months of candle-burning on both ends. This experience has been especially transformative for me, Karis and the brands that we’ve tirelessly nurtured over the years. Our work has introduced us to nice folks from all around the world, and has given us the opportunity to visit more new faraway places than I can feasibly count. And surprisingly enough, we’ve recently been finding ourselves on the receiving end of our clients’ gratitude and accommodation. Rosie & Oliver would be one such couple (out of many!).
Rosie and Oliver are not from New York, or even New Jersey for that matter (locals know better than to take the Holland Tunnel at 8am in the morning!). In fact, they currently hang their hats in Florida, but will be holding their wedding celebrations in Boston. Confused yet? I was too :). These nice folks flew all the way from Florida to New York for the sole purpose of spending a crisp Monday morning on Roosevelt Island with just an awesome NJ wedding photographer and his camera. Pretty cool, right?
No pressure or anything :).