They sit by the window, with their backs turned to an empty cafe. A guitar instrumental is playing softly in the background, with their conversation lost in the whirling of another cappuccino behind them. She leans forward a little bit, and reaches for his hand. He smiles at her, before taking another sip from his paper cup. This was the perfect escape from the unseasonably cold weather outside, a perch from which they observed young mothers pushing their strollers along the old cobblestone streets, and urbanites rushing to their 9am kickboxing classes in the lofts above them. This was a life Diana and Jay shared on this side of the Hudson River for many years, and this was the most logical setting from which to document this momentous milestone in their lives.
Many congratulations and thanks to Diana and Jay, who came all the way from Texas and Central Jersey (hey now, we started early!) and endured the cold and cloudy weather to be with us that morning. We sincerely hope you enjoy these as much as we enjoyed capturing them.
It’s a cold and cloudy Tuesday here in Northern NJ, and we’ve been super productive with this week filled with office days (finally!). This simply means all our clients will be getting their deliveries in a timely manner :).
Ben & Karis